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additional disk中文是什么意思

用"additional disk"造句"additional disk"怎么读"additional disk" in a sentence


  • 附加磁盘


  • Additional disk space is required for data files to handle the following changes
  • An exception is additional disk space required by the temporary mapping index
  • In sql server 2005 , additional disk space is required for transaction log files
    在sql server 2005中,事务日志文件需要额外的磁盘空间。
  • Flag which bypasses auditing , or free up additional disk space for the audit log
  • This menu also allows you to order additional disks for placement in the multiboot menu
  • Must also have the additional disk space previously described for intermediate sort results
  • However , you should choose only the components you need , since each component requires additional disk space
  • By unpacking the zipped file immediately , there is no need for additional disk space on the endpoint for the . spb file
    通过立即解压缩文件,在终点处就不需要为. spb文件准备额外的硬盘空间。
  • Define additional disks see g , h , i , and j in the illustration above if the sql server resources are in the same cluster group
    如果sql server资源在同一群集组中,则定义附加磁盘(请参阅上图中的g 、 h和j ) 。
  • To put data or logs on another or additional disk resources , you must first add a dependency to the sql server resource for the additional disk
    若要将数据或日志放在其他或附加磁盘资源上,必须先将依赖关系添加到附加磁盘的sql server资源。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"additional disk"造句  
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